International visitors
You are most welcome to,
the most comprehensive website on coral reefs
in Swedish. However, there is no English version,
and although it has been mentioned before that
there will be an English version in the near future,
the work load off has made this impossible
upto 2013. The plans to write an English version
are however still active, and it is probable that
certain sections of will be translated
later in 2014 and eventually uploaded. In the
meantime, please visit my blog,
which is written entirely in English, and give
regularly updated scientific, ecological, environmental
and economical aspects of coral reefs. Furthermore,
there are a number of websites that have contributed
to, and which are all written in
English. These are being presented below. Further
references are also given here,
where you will find links to books and reports
written in English.
This part of this page is still under construction.
My aim is to have it completed no later than March
2014 .
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